“Lollipops & Gumdrops”

Oil on canvas, 2016
18×24 in

Oil on Canvas, 2016
40×50 in

Oil on Canvas, 2016
6×12 in

Oil on Canvas, 2016
6×12 in

Oil on canvas, 2016
9×12 in

Oil on Canvas, 2016
9×12 in

Oil on canvas, 2016
30×15 in

Oil on canvas
32×40 in
Original project statement from 2016 solo show:
After finding out I would be hosting a new solo show in the fall of 2016, an innate fear set in: What would my theme be? I knew I wanted all new work and that I had a good thing going with my (at the time) tree series. But something needed to change for this show.
One night I was at my local figure drawing group and my mind was wondering. I started to think about the trees I had been painting recently and how, while currently multi-branched and elaborate, they had all begun with the idea of a field of lollipop trees. The next thing I knew, a song I used to sing at the pre-school I worked at sprung into my head.
‘If all the raindrops were lollipops and gumdrops…’
It hit me: I had been in love with the trees and had also been looking for new ways to bring the sky and transparencies front and center. What better way than with floating knitted “gumdrops” in fields of suspended water?
The sketching began and the next thing I knew I was working from still life setups that were literally tubs of water with balls floating in them. The fragmented forms, colors and reflections all slowly became easier and at the end of my series I am happy to say that I achieved what I hoped for.
Want to learn more about this show? Visit the “Lollipops & Gumdrops” page under “Installation and exhibits”